

Going Gunners

NO! does that mean blood shed? funny posts?...NO FASTJ TO POST!?...does that mean we aren't safe here!?...NO, NO, NO.

Don't panic, don't scare, you wont die, you wont fry, so don't you cry, or you'll have to say bye bye.

We wont die, so you wont cry, now don't you say bye bye, because we'll cry, while you fry, in the sty.

All that's happening is that we are standing at the point of death...or the point of a gun, you can choose. Ok, its a picture...AH! it just shot...there's blood!...oops sorry that was the ketchup on the hamburger that just spilled onto my lap.

Alright thats not what this post is about, its supposed to tell you we are just going Gunners (pictures of air soft guns).

We have done one already for your enjoyment so...ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

...huh?... well I didn't see any picture.

Anonymous said...

uhhh...this is probably your worst post ever. Please delete it.