

Ice Skating or Cycling?

Is ice skating better then Cycling? I have sent in bob to find the hidden answer! let's see the results from our reliable bob.

The badness of ice skating.
When your a beginner the ratio of pain (on a scale of hurts, OUCH, painful, and really painful) when you land on your-REMOVED FOR YOUR SAFETY-is painful. Another bad thing about skating is your on ice and if you keep trying to skate then your going to get your-REMOVED FOR YOUR SAFETY-bruised. Another reason it is bad is because when you go to school the next day you will be in a tough position, you can either sit on a pillow or stand for a long time. You can only get around this by going skating when your on school vacation. I would advise you to not skate, period, dash, dot.

The goodness of skating.
Where else can you eat up the arena! literally. Also it's a great place to bonk, and not the way your thinking.

Bob's quote for ice skating: You go to the ice and your going to need some ice.

The badness of Cycling.
Ever seen someone who crashed his bike on cement going 20+mph? he will have road rash like crazy. Ever seen someone crash going 20+mph? boy the smell of burnt skin! and that blood! WOW what a sight. Ever wrecked in a pack of bike riders going 20+mph? I haven't so I can't tell what it's like.

The goodness of Cycling.
Everything. It is a fun sport where you can sit down and see sights you could never see in a car.

Bob's quote for cycling: FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN.


Anonymous said...

hey Jon,
I like your post :)
just so you know for future posts, your = it belongs to you
you're = you are
you forgot the 'e' at the end of alot of those :)
see you soon,

Anonymous said...

hilarious! LOVE the quote about ice skating!!!

Jon said...

You guys need to post!