

Planter's Wart!

It is estimated that 7-10% of the US population is infected. Infection typically occurs on moist walking surfaces such as showers, swimming pools, or shoes. The virus can survive many months without a host, making it highly contagious.

Ok, if your one of my siblings then you should be freaking. If your not then remember our Airwalk* shoes? Well take this: You should avoid sharing shoes and socks. As a explanation for our readers; I have a Planter's Wart that is on my toe.

Ok, now to the really ugly, disgusting, horrible, blood spurting, and painful part. I went on May 5th to Dr. Shock, which came as quite a shock since I was expecting something like, Dr. Sprout or Dr. Drunk maybe even a Dr. Rabies (that would be quite a little adventure) and was told to be seated on one of their cactus seats.

They said that Dr. Shock used to be a Boot Camp Commander! After what seemed years I was lead away to the cell where I saw a beefy man with a long needle that before I could protest sank into my toe, followed by a pepper spray bottle that he directed onto my toe. Then he (this part is not a lie) took a knife and cut the ------------Planter's Wart off my toe! as he lead me to the iron door and used my head to pry it open my toe unnoticed decided to squirt large amounts of blood over the parking lot (which was true) so then I had to have my toe put in a cast.

On the way home my toe grew and is right now hurting because of lack of space in my cast! HELP ME! NO I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SHOCK!!!!!! MOM PLEASE FORGET I SAID IT!!

Sorry about the lies shock was nice but hey, I got a BLOG TO RUN!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so funny!! I will never wear your shoes again