


One day when I was driving through town looking for a job I spotted out a sign that said $20 a hour, 2h a day, 6 days a week, at the 'ranch that vorks'. The next day I drove over to the ranch to see if I could get the job, and found out I had it before I even came. Boy, they thought I was good they even parked my car for me and locked the gate behind me. After a minute this fat guy in overalls came over spitting tobacco juice over his shoulder every now and then and he showed me what I was supposed to do and no wonder it paid so well! I had to dig trenches all around the inside of his property's fence line, then I had to dig a moat around his house and then I had to get on a horse and ride around his property with a gun and directions to shoot anything that tried to jump his fence.

Finally I got fed up and threw my spurs into the horse and turned toward the house. The horse didn't like that and bucked all of my body off accept for my hand's which where still gripping the reins. I guess when my boss saw the horse come running in with my hands still trying to stop the crazy thing, he thought that a terrorist attack happened or something.

When I woke up I found myself in a strange bed with someone leaning over me, and immediately tried to punch the guy but to no avail, since I couldn't find my hands. When the guy saw me searching for my hands he handed me a pair from inside his pocket, I thanked him and told him I wanted my pay. Well I got my $40, hands, watch (I guess that was so that I didn't know when I overworked), car, new job (I got to boss these tough looking guys who where in my ditches), and unlimited targets to shoot that kept climbing his fences.

Well, my boss got his crop of cherries going again, the detectives had a case of disappearing kids where to figure out, and I got some money. After all the only hard thing was the ditch digging, and the boss screaming "GET OFF YOUR VUM AND VORK!" and "ARE YOU VORKING?! I DON'T THINK SO, SO GET VORKING!".

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