Did you click on "this" in the last post more than once?...if you did you lost! this was a pop contest SO....Beware! there are more to come.
if you did not click on "this" more than once you are a Novice level on my blog and if you have commented five times on my blog and have read everything on my blog including date.time.and who posted it and did not click on "this" more than once you are a Novice level 2.
~posted by fastj and permissions slip signed by the invariability novelty inc.
I humor myself...
My favorite Yogi Berra quotes
Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.
Yogi Berra
Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.
Yogi Berra
If you come to a fork in the road, take it.
Yogi Berra
It was impossible to get a conversation going, everybody was talking too much.
Yogi Berra
Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Yogi Berra
The only color I don't have is navy brown.
Yogi Berra
You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six.
Yogi Berra
confuison in a nutshell
A started talking to M and then M had to leave so J took over for M. Later, M came over and she copied and pasted A's and J's conversation because she thought it was perfect blog stuff.
J (as M): pardon cant hear the kids are being noisy
A: who is this?
J: ME!
J:this is me and this is my name M!!!
Incoming call from A Christensen at 10:26 AM on Monday
J: ignore
Incoming call from A Christensen at 10:26 AM on Monday
Aanswer the call and let me hear ur voice!
J: ignore
A: see!
J: is to
A: riiiiiight
J: ask me a question
A: and i need to go print the pic of my sari
J: ok
A: haha
J: 1997
A: that's fine
A: ha!
J: ok
A: see u in less than 3 weeks
J: see ya
A: what is it?
J: or $300
A: i'm already planning on buying u something that's over $2
J: i like the $300
A: put the dough in my account, J, and we'll see what we can do about it
(real M comes to talk and A wont believe it's M)
M (as M): hi this is M.....was J messing with you?
A: yes
Self pity
do you feel like the victim [you can hear the victim song at your local blogspot] well just kiddin you have to go to funnycoolnotes
do you think nobody cares? well have we got the comic for you!
12 reasons i dont brush my teeth
1.they get dirty again
2.it is a wast of money to buy the equipment
3.i cant wait to get denchers they are so sweetly awesome!
4.i would not have anything to wright about
5.you cant buy time and brushing teeth just wastes time
6.black is my favorite color
7.i have an excuse for taking a lot of Altoids
8.i earn money from the tooth ferry!
9.i am against eating fingernails and without teeth you cant eat them!
10.i stay up till when i want to sleep i just drop on the ground without having to brush my teeth
11.my dentist has already given up on me and if i brush my teeth my dentist might think there is a chance of brain washing me into thinking that brushing teeth is good
12.i already started a group that is called we don't brush teeth and the rules are of what follows.
rule one.
if you become traitor we (the people in my group) will yank all your teeth you got left out grandpa style (which is tying a noose over the traitors teeth then with another rope tie them to a tree then with the noose that is attached to their teeth tie the other end to a tractor and then have someone drive the tractor at half an mph)
rule two.
not made
The civil war Part 2
After mucking stalls cheddar had to go dig trenches around the camp then after half an hour cheddar had to stop because the Rebels where in sight.
As soon as cheddar saw the rebels he jumped toward the trench he had made.
------------------------------------------he got shot so i guess that ends this series of stories.
We know what your doing right now!!!
You are reading this GOT YA!!!
How to talk like a whale by Dory
Lesson 2
The easy lesson
Please read the conversation of whale talk below & if you understand it that will be all for today if you don't understand it then keep rereading it until you do.
Dory:Hiiiiiiiii misteerrrrrrrrr.whaleeeee
Whale:Hiiiiiiii thereeeee mississsss.doryyyyyy hoowww areee youuuu
Dory:Gooooooddd assssss newwwwwww
next lesson wont be as hard.
The civil war
Billy:so that its not too hot!
Sorry to leave you guys hanging on a hook but this is a part of a series (and for real l have to go muck horse stalls).
Why cant your template stay the same?
I don't know how to explain that but...I think I might be kinda able to.
If you love adventures like this blog does (Ok maybe not that much of a adventures lover but still liken adventures) then I am sure you will understand but for you who aren't the world hasn't ended I can still kinda explain so read on.
Ok now I think we must do some math to help figure this out.
If M=I and S=C plus H and they altogether equal the number 9 then go down the alphabet to the ninth letter and you get I and if I=4 then as the rhyme goes for the number 4"Mr.four why cant you ever be nice and stop fighting" then l guess we can do the following 9-4=5 so again go down the ABCs and what do we get we get E so now if E=1 then it is safe to add it to the 5 we have dangling around to the 1 because the rhyme for 5 goes like this"5 always adding to its number"so now its safe to do the following 5+1=6 so now we go down the ABCs again and get F so now we add our words together because the rhyme for six goes like this "little ducky number 6 has stopped because he is the sixth"now to get back to what I was saying we can add the words together and now we get mischief which=what we did (or we are just plain loving adventures).
if you want the rhymes of all the letters up two twelve just email us at fastjhumor@gmail.com.
Water cold water so what if its hotter its still water.
Ice water hot water so fun to gurgle.
So yummy not even funny.
So what if its hotter its still water.
Please don't say this was a bad post even tho it is but it was not my writing that made it bad l just didn't spend much time on it and didn't even try to hard to make it rhyme l just wanted to wright a post so l could have comments to read (l prefer nice comments but if its bad l will still imprecate the comment even tho l asked you not to).
How to Talk Like a Whale by Dory
Lesson One - The Basics
Rule 1: When talking like a whale, be sure to make the last word really long.
Example: Hiiii, hooowwwww, aaaarrrrreeeeee yooouuuuuuu doooooiiiiiinnngggggggggggg?
Translation: Hi, how are you doing?
Another thing to keep in mind while talking like a whale is not to use the following:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
Lessons to be continued.
This post was written by shark tooth vs. unrivaled humor and posted by adrialien.
Snow is a white puffy thing that falls from the sky and then you ski on it I like it so much that I made a song about it which is posted below.
First verse
Snow snow oh wonderful snow ski on it
fall on it eat it stomp on it.
Second verse
Snow is falling we are going we are going
to tooooo the slopes oh yea three feet deep
oh so sweet.
Third verse
We are posting and we are skiing and we are
beating Unrivaled humor oh yea lets go skiing.
macaroni in cheese
what is macaroni in cheese? that is the Question every body would like to know.
A picture is posted above so you may have a idea of how it looks and I also wrote down the quality below.
1.It is the number one food for CA.
2.In every single picture it looks better then meat.
The only problems for macaroni in cheese is listed below.
1.It takes long to cook.
2.Its greasy.
Here is a little side note.
Thanks to onfire I have noticed that unrivaled humor has (according to their comments) lost the war.
How Pencil was made
Pencil developed after 2 billion years. It is what experts in evolution say evolved from a million flies that were squished, and all the guts from a mile around after time formed pencil. We call it pencil because we think that it would honor the flies who made it by sacrificing themselves because Mother Nature told them to.
What pencil does
If you want to see what pencil does, you must buy paper which is made from trees and to get paper you will need to help protect the trees. But beware! Pencil is dangerous because there is something called "fly poisoning" or nowadays called lead poisoning which you can avoid by not poking your self with it.
If you're interested in seeing what it does you can order pencil and paper at Al Gore Products, Inc.
if you have any suggestions please contact us at fastjhumor@gmail.com
blond joke
A blonde was driving home when a guy pulled her over. The guy says, “Get out of the car and stand in this circle or something awful is going to happen to you.”
So, while the blonde is standing in the circle the guy is going through her car and transporting it to his car. Then the blonde started laughing hysterically. The guy asks, "Why are you laughing? The blonde ignores him and he says, “Whatever…” and continues to rob her car.
The blonde starts laughing again. "Why R U laughing again!" She again ignores him. Then just as the guy is about to drive away, the blonde starts laughing a third time
"Ok… that’s it… What’s your problem,” the guy shouts???
"Well, the blonde says, “When you weren't looking I stepped out of the circle three times!
A blow to unrivaled humor.
ok unrivaled humor beat this ha.
Q: What do elves learn in school?
A: The Elf-abet!
Q: Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
A: Because he had low elf esteem.
Q: Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
A: So he can ho-ho-ho.
Q: Where do polar bears vote?
A: The North Poll.
Q: What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?
A: Ribbon hood.
Q: Why do birds fly south for the winter ?
A: Because it's to far to walk.
Q: What was wrong with the boy's brand new toy electric train set he received for Christmas?
A: Forty feet of track - all straight!
Q: What kind of bird can write?
A: A PENguin.
Q: What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmas time?
A: Sandy Claus!
Q: How do sheep in Mexico say Merry Christmas?
A: Fleece Navidad!
Q: Why does Santa's sled get such good mileage?
A: Because it has long-distance runners on each side.
Q: Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
A: He wanted to sleep like a log.
Q: Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
A: Because every buck is dear to him.
Q: What's a good holiday tip?
A: Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.
Hey we of the Fastj really are nice (and very funny) but when it comes to business we are right on it so here is what we do.
First off we challenge unrivaled humor to a contest outsiders may vote who is the best writer so here is to the winner!